Answer Booklet
For this project I made a response to the recent college admissions scandals. I reimagined the SAT where persons admitted to prestigious colleges must 'renew' their admission by taking a new experimental SAT. This SAT consists of a writing and language section where all of the correct answers are in African American Vernacular English. This is done to highlight the injustices that people of color, specifically Black people, face in the admissions process to colleges, and to make white people think more about the privileges that they take for granted.
While researching this project, I found that in standardized testing, Black people have a disadvantage in getting good SAT grades. For people of color, it is harder for us to do well on the reading sections because often there are readings which more white people would be more commonly exposed to. But in the writing and language section, Black people face the most disadvantages. It was found that white people did significantly better on the “easier” grammar questions, while on the more difficult, black people tend to do better. This is due to the ‘easy’ questions being answers commonly learned from everyday ‘white’ language, versus 'black' language or AAVE. Black people therefore have a completely different grammar system than that tested on an exam meant to test the abilities of 'Americans'.
Created in InDesign and Acrobat.